Reflection on Three Years of Marriage

It's hard for me to believe that almost three years ago, what you see below happened. By far, from beginning to end, the best day of my life. I don't think at any other time (barring possibly a funeral), every single person that has had an impact on your life is gathered in one central location. It's beautiful and a perfect representation of the divine mystery between Christ and His church.

In those three years, we've lived in four different places, in three different cities across Alabama and one of us earned a Doctorate of Pharmacy. We have had the joy of becoming an uncle and aunt to two nieces and two nephews. I had the honor of being ordained and preaching in some of the most rural churches in Alabama.

It's been an incredible journey thus far. We have learned so much about one another, about ourselves and about the covenant of marriage as it pertains to the Christian hope. What a perfect reminder each time we are at a wedding, to see a bride walk down the aisle into the arms of her awaiting husband, that this picture is not man made but God-ordained.

"Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” This mystery is profound, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church. -Ephesians 5:31-32 (ESV)

While the past three years have been amazing, there's been a significant amount of development that has taken place 'under the hood' so to speak. Reflecting on these three short years, here's a quick summation of what I feel I'm continually learning.

  1. Marriage requires the utmost humility.

  2. Marriage demands mutual and continual forgiveness.

  3. Marriage paints a clear picture of the Gospel.

  4. Marriage surfaces anything hidden.

  5. Marriage shows the complementary relationship of husband and wife.

  6. Marriage thrives within community.

  7. Marriage is fantastic.